Thursday, December 18, 2008
Life is Beautiful!
So, as I near the end of the week, and the beginning of my Holiday vacation, or time off in this case since we aren't actually going anywhere, I have started thinking about what I have accomplished this year and my goals and plans for next year. Accomplishments this year are higher in number than any other year I can remember. I can hardly believe that I am now in the place I've been working so hard all these years to attain! For anyone out there who is just getting started, this is PROOF that it can be done! If I can do it, anyone can. It makes no difference where you come from, where you live, what your education is, how much money you have or even who you know. If you have a dream and the perseverance to see it through, you can do anything you set your mind to! I started out as a teenage mother, high school drop out, from a lower middle class family, who had people tell me that I would go NO WHERE! I guess it helps that I have always been motivated by people like that. In fact, I am extremely grateful for those people in my life!
My accomplishments for 2008:
1. We opened our Art Studio spaces and quickly expanded into an awesome gallery space. I am now in the position to help other artists with their dreams and goals
2. I have put together a complete body of work, large and small, in my new spiral abstract style.
3. I have started licensing my art for needlepoint designs, giving me a residual income!
4. We have paid off ALL our credit card debt!
5. I am now becoming a force in my local art scene, people come to ME for advice!
That's all I can come up with off the top of my head, but it's a huge list for me! Next year I have even bigger dreams! Now that we have almost made it through our first year in business, some of the smaller dreams within the business can be started. I have so many ideas that I can't wait to begin.
May everyone have a wonderful, happy holiday season and a very happy new year!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New Painting!

This is a 22 x 22" oil on canvas. I'm unsure if it's done yet. What do you think? I may work more on it, later....I just started a new large (48 x 48") canvas and I'm getting in to it! Don't have a name for this one yet either.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
December Events at Chroma Studios & Gallery
1. In case you haven't yet heard, we are holding a silent auction to benefit the Roadrunner Food Bank for the month of December. There are many artists participating and there will be drawings for door prizes on the opening night of the show. This is a great chance for you to help a worthy cause and have a piece of artwork to show for it. The opening reception is Friday, December 5th from 5-8:30 at Chroma Gallery at 1606 Central SE Suite 102. Call 259-6320 or 908-1392 for more information
2. On Saturday the 6th, Chroma will be hosting its first ever figure drawing group from 1-4 in the Gallery. We have limited space, so please call to reserve your place. Cost is $7 per session or prepay 5 sessions for $25. The group will meet every Saturday from 1-4 pm with the exception of the 27th of December when we will be closed. Call Paula at 259-6320 for more info.
3. On Friday, December 12th, Chroma will kick off its Intimate Concert Series. This series of concerts will be held on the Third Friday of most months in 2009 and will feature an acoustic performance in an intimate setting.
From 20 to 30 available seats depending on how much space the performers need. The first concert will be performed by Chroma founder Aaron Lewis and tickets will be sold for $5.00 call 908-1392 to reserve your seat today.
4. On Friday December 19th Chroma will have a closing show for the Silent Auction and wrapping artwork for the winning bidders. This show will be from 5-8:30 as well. Call 259-6320 or 908-1392 for more info.
5. Chroma will be closing on Dec 21st until our First Friday show in January to allow the artist Nick Harmon to come in and prepare the gallery for his Fhab opening.(and to take a short breather).
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Back at the Easel and Silent Auction in December

This has been an awesome month! I'm finally getting back into a routine of painting every day. It feels really great to be back at the easel. It's been over 7 months since I lost my dad now and while some of you may be tired of hearing about it, I can't let it go that easily. Obviously. I have now finished exactly 2 paintings since April 9, 2008. Which is nothing compared to what I usually produce. I am more than ready to get back to my regular prolific self. The studios/gallery are getting easier to run, my husband has been helping out more and we are about to have a virtual assistant to help with some of the load. So, now I will have more hours in the day for painting. Plus, and this is pretty important, I have ideas coming back into my head that fit with my usual happy thoughts and paintings. I guess I should retract my previous statement, I have actually finished more than 2 paintings since dad died. Those other paintings I don't count though, because they were grief paintings and will never be sold.
The 2nd painting I finished (see the last post), now has a title. Since I was praying for a good election result while I painted it, I have titled it "Hopeful 2008".
I have been busy scheduling shows for the gallery for 2009 and have decided to do a featured show of my work in April. Yesterday I spoke with the woman who is licensing my needlepoint designs and got her ok to do a needlepoint/art show. I'm thinking about hanging the paintings alongside their corresponding needlepoint canvas and perhaps have a couple of them stitched to show what they look like once they are done.
In the meantime, next month we are doing a silent auction show to benefit the local Roadrunner food bank. 50% of the auction proceeds will go to the food bank with the other 50% going to the artist that created the work. I will post some of the pieces on my Chroma Studios blog so everyone will have a chance to bid on them, even if you can't make it to the gallery! If you are a local Albuquerque artist and would like to participate please contact me as I would like to fill the entire gallery with the silent auction pieces. At the end of the silent auction, closing reception, we will have a fun event, an artist exchange where artists will be able to trade their work with other artists in the show. Any pieces that don't sell in the auction, or extra pieces that artists bring in will be available for the exchange. Unless, of course, you aren't interested in participating in the exchange. Just a fun event for the Holidays!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
New Work, finally!

I have finally finished a new painting! I haven't titled it yet, but it is a 20" square oil painting on canvas. I was looking for a different shape to the flower petals and really liked the shape of this flower. Don't ask me what type of flower it is as I don't know. I tried to find out but couldn't find it anywhere. If anyone can tell me that would be great. This is obviously an abstracted image of the flower, but the real thing is a tiny little blossom.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Reminder: Alyson Stanfield book signing event at Chroma Gallery
I’d Rather Be in the Studio! The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion is for artists of all kinds. Painters, sculptors, ceramist, jewelers, photographers, and others will benefit from the easy-to-follow self-promotion practices in this book.
Author and art-marketing consultant Alyson B. Stanfield, of, focuses on sharing the artwork directly with potential buyers through electronic and traditional communication outlets—in a manner that is comfortable, not artificial. Artists match Internet marketing strategies with sincere personal skills to take charge of their art careers.
The book includes online worksheets and downloads.
Chroma Gallery and Studios is located at 1606 Central Ave SE Suite 102 & 201, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Call Paula at 505-259-6320 for more info.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Get out there and VOTE!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Old Dan's Records
So, Saturday was my 39th birthday! To celebrate, my brother came up from Las Cruces and joined Aaron and I at the Gordon Lightfoot concert here in town. It was just amazing! I have loved his music since I was a kid, basically, I was raised with his music. He has always been a favorite. My dad loved his music too, which is how I was introduced.
I knew that my dad would have loved to see this concert, which is part of the reason, when I found out it was happening on my birthday, that I just had to go! I called my brother and told him about it and of course he was in. The entire concert was great, but the best part was saved for last. The last song of the night, 'Old Dan's Records', was proof to us that my dad was there with us. See, for those who don't know this, my dad's name is Dan, and his lifelong passion was collecting records! We just recently finished building shelves for those records in our house (lucky me, I inherited them all!) and have been waiting for a new record needle to come in so we could listen to those records. So, the encore song of the concert was all too fitting! There are a couple of lines that really hit home for us, 'dig out old dan's records...if old dan was still around, you know he'd be so proud'. It made me bawl the night of the concert and it still brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. The only thing that would have made my birthday any better is if my dad would have been there with us, I still miss him oh so much! I found the video above on you tube, apparently, ours was not the only show he closed with that particular song. Thanks Gordon!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Insert Clever Title Here:

It's usually difficult to come up with new titles for my blog posts, but when it's just a rambling post with no real direction, it's even more difficult! I have been slogging thru life these days. Had some emotionally draining personal experiences, moved my studio, had a last minute art show to put together, now putting together another art show, trying to fit painting back into my schedule, run a gallery and a household, nurse my sick husband, etc, etc and the list goes on. I know, cry me a river. I hate to whine, really I do! :0
I'm looking forward to this election being over and done with. HOPEfully with the right outcome this time! My 18 year old son is actually old enough to vote AND he's registered! Kinda scary considering he can't seem to find and job and take care of himself! Either way, I'm happy to say that this family has at least 4 votes going to the right candidate this year.
I'm loving my new studio, though I miss my big windows looking down on Route 66/Central Ave. Plus, I'm the only one down here with the gallery, so I'm feeling a little cut off from all the other artists. I don't miss going up and down the stairs everyday!
I finished the large painting I was working on for 4 months or so, it's actually hanging in the gallery now. I just started a new medium sized(20"square) painting that I'm really happy with. I have another 48" square canvas waiting to be painted, but I am fumbling for an idea to start with. Which is why I skipped to the medium sized canvas for now. The photos I'm posting today are of a couple of my newest large paintings. One is "Grateful", I think I posted a progress photo of it at some point, and it is 48" square. Huge for me! The other one is called "The Calm Before..." and it is the large painting I was finishing up when I got the call about my dad's death. I don't think it will ever be totally finished, so I've hung it and called it done. It's been hard for me to even look at, too many sad memories.
Both were posted in my photos of the gallery, but these are better shots. I will list them in my Absolute Arts portfolio shortly.
Last but not least, here is a video tour of the new gallery that I put together last week. The background music is the title track from my husband's new cd "Space Travel". Incidently, the cd release party is this Friday at Chroma Gallery from 6-8pm!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Obama's Art Policy
Our nation’s creativity has filled the world’s libraries, museums, recital halls, movie houses, and marketplaces
with works of genius. The arts embody the American spirit of self-definition. As the author of two best-selling
books – Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope – Barack Obama uniquely appreciates the role and
value of creative expression.
Reinvest in Arts Education: To remain competitive in the global economy, America needs to reinvigorate the
kind of creativity and innovation that has made this country great. To do so, we must nourish our children’s
creative skills. In addition to giving our children the science and math skills they need to compete in the new
global context, we should also encourage the ability to think creatively that comes from a meaningful arts
education. Unfortunately, many school districts are cutting instructional time for art and music education.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that the arts should be a central part of effective teaching and learning.
The Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts recently said “The purpose of arts education is not to
produce more artists, though that is a byproduct. The real purpose of arts education is to create complete human
beings capable of leading successful and productive lives in a free society.” To support greater arts education,
Obama will:
Expand Public/Private Partnerships Between Schools and Arts Organizations: Barack Obama and
Joe Biden will increase resources for the U.S. Department of Education’s Arts Education Model
Development and Dissemination Grants, which develop public/private partnerships between schools and
arts organizations. They will also engage the foundation and corporate community to increase support
for public/private partnerships.
Create an Artist Corps: Barack Obama and Joe Biden support the creation of an “Artists Corps” of
young artists trained to work in low-income schools and their communities. Studies in Chicago have
demonstrated that test scores improved faster for students enrolled in low-income schools that link arts
across the curriculum than scores for students in schools lacking such programs.
Publicly Champion the Importance of Arts Education: As president, Barack Obama will use the
bully pulpit and the example he will set in the White House to promote the importance of arts and arts
education in America. Not only is arts education indispensable for success in a rapidly changing, high
skill, information economy, but studies show that arts education raises test scores in other subject areas
as well.
Support Increased Funding for the NEA: Over the last 15 years, government funding for the National
Endowment for the Arts has been slashed from $175 million annually in 1992 to $125 million today. Barack
Obama and Joe Biden support increased funding for the NEA, the support of which enriches schools and
neighborhoods all across the nation and helps to promote the economic development of countless communities.
Promote Cultural Diplomacy: American artists, performers and thinkers – representing our values and ideals
– can inspire people both at home and all over the world. Through efforts like that of the United States
Information Agency, America’s cultural leaders were deployed around the world during the Cold War as artistic
ambassadors and helped win the war of ideas by demonstrating to the world the promise of America. Artists
can be utilized again to help us win the war of ideas against Islamic extremism. Unfortunately, our resources
for cultural diplomacy are at their lowest level in a decade. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will work to reverse
this trend and improve and expand public-private partnerships to expand cultural and arts exchanges throughout
the world.
Attract Foreign Talent: The flipside to promoting American arts and culture abroad is welcoming members of
the foreign arts community to America. Opening America’s doors to students and professional artists provides
the kind of two-way cultural understanding that can break down the barriers that feed hatred and fear. As
America tightened visa restrictions after 9/11, the world’s most talented students and artists, who used to come
here, went elsewhere. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will streamline the visa process to return America to its
rightful place as the world’s top destination for artists and art students.
Provide Health Care to Artists: Finding affordable health coverage has often been one of the most vexing
obstacles for artists and those in the creative community. Since many artists work independently or have nontraditional
employment relationships, employer-based coverage is unavailable and individual policies are
financially out of reach. The Obama-Biden plan will provide all Americans with quality, affordable health care.
Their plan includes the creation of a new public program that will allow individuals and small businesses to buy
affordable health care similar to that available to federal employees. Their plan also creates a National Health
Insurance Exchange to reform the private insurance market and allow Americans to enroll in participating
private plans, which would have to provide comprehensive benefits, issue every applicant a policy, and charge
fair and stable premiums. For those who still cannot afford coverage, the government will provide a subsidy.
His health plan will lower costs for the typical American family by up to $2,500 per year.
Ensure Tax Fairness for Artists: Barack Obama supports the Artist-Museum Partnership Act, introduced by
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT). The Act amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow artists to deduct the fair
market value of their work, rather than just the costs of the materials, when they make charitable contributions.
Paid for by Obama for America
Friday, October 10, 2008
Alyson Stanfield's Studio Tour
I’d Rather Be in the Studio! The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion is for artists of all kinds. Painters, sculptors, ceramist, jewelers, photographers, and others will benefit from the easy-to-follow self-promotion practices in this book.
Author and art-marketing consultant Alyson B. Stanfield, of, focuses on sharing the artwork directly with potential buyers through electronic and traditional communication outlets—in a manner that is comfortable, not artificial. Artists match Internet marketing strategies with sincere personal skills to take charge of their art careers.
The book includes online worksheets and downloads.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
My aching back!

The show opening on Friday went very well. We added several new names to our mailing list and had a few sales. It was a long weekend as we had to sit the gallery for our posted business hours for the first time. The weather was cloudy and rainy, so not many visitors on Saturday and Sunday. The bottom two photos above were taken by one of the photographers in the show, Susan See. The others are pics I shot before the show opened.
Monday morning I woke up with a major pain in my back. Actually, it feels more like my hip. I can't tell if it's out of place or if I just pulled a muscle. Either way, the pain is making it difficult to get anything done today. I had planned on painting, but it hurts to stand at my easel. So, here I sit, blogging and basically avoiding pain as much as is possible!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Need Something to do Tonight?

....Then come by Chroma Studios and Gallery for our "Feathers and Flowers" Show. This is our first show as a member of the Albuquerque Arts Crawl. We are excited about our new gallery which expands Chroma Studios into a downstairs space with easy access for everyone. We have plenty of free parking! Come by and have a peek into the working studios of our artists and see the featured work of Chroma founders, Josephine Brionez de Flores and Paula Manning-Lewis, along with the work of our studio artists.
When: Tonight! 5-8:30pm. Show runs through October 31st. We will also be open for the two weekends of Balloon Fiesta, Thursday - Sunday from 12 - 6 pm.
Where: Chroma Studios and Gallery, 1606 Central Ave SE, Suites 102 & 201, Albuquerque, NM
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
International Artist Day
It's been another busy week, getting ready for our show opening on Friday. I will try to get back to more regular posting next week.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Chroma Studios and Gallery First Friday Opening
When: Friday, October 3rd, 2008 5 - 8 p.m.
Opens October 3rd and runs through Oct. 31st. We will also be open for the two weekends of Balloon Fiesta, Thurs. thru Sun. from 12-6pm.
Where: Chroma Studios and Gallery, 1606 Central Ave SE, Suite 102 & 201, Albuquerque, NM
What: Chroma Studios and Gallery Art Opening - Feathers and Flowers
Chroma Studios is happy to present the opening of our new gallery and classroom
space. We have expanded since our grand opening in June to include a gallery
and classroom downstairs. This First Friday, our new gallery will feature the
work of Chroma co-founders Paula Manning-Lewis and Josephine Brionez de Flores.
We will also have live guitar music by Chroma artist Aaron Lewis, who has
recently released a new cd Space Travel. Our upstairs gallery will include the work of our studio
artists Barak Naggan, Sarah Rose, Caroline Blaker, Chris Schelling, Kirk McGee,
Terry Hansen, and vashti b. Plus guest artists, Susan See, Diane Reitz and Michael Gallegos.
Hope to see you there!
Paula Manning-Lewis :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
We have under two weeks until our next opening at Chroma Studios. October 3rd is our First Friday show, our first with the Albuquerque Arts Crawl. Lots and lots to do to get ready. We painted the new gallery space at the end of last week and still have to hang art. Plus, clean the floors, promote the show, on and on!
Anyway, figured I'd post something to let everyone know I'm still alive, just busy as usual!
I will try to get photos posted of the new space as soon as I have batteries. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, week, month and year!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Damn you Rocco!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Organizing Myself
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Over at my other blog
Friday, August 22, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Feeling Great!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Gallinas Canyon
Once again it's been too long since my last post. So much going on! I'm finally back in the studio at work after two weeks of home improvement projects and a wonderful camping trip.
July 30th thru August 1st we went on a camping trip to the Gila Wilderness with a specific purpose in mind. Along for the trip were my husband, Aaron, three sons, my brother, his wife and a good friend of the family. Gallinas Canyon is a place we know well. My dad took us there many times as kids and then as teenagers. This was also the last spot we camped with my dad during the summer of 2005. Camping has always been a favorite past time in my family. This time we were there to set my dad free, to spread his ashes in his final resting place.
One of the last times I saw my dad we discussed what would happen after he passed away. We discussed where he would want his ashes spread. Of course he told me he didn't care, he won't be here so it doesn't matter to him. When I mentioned the canyon to him, he agreed it was a good choice.
The next day, after eating a yummy camp breakfast of Chorizo and egg burritos, we set off on a hike down the canyon to find the perfect spot. We had to cross the creek several times and in several places the water was up to our knees. The water was cold but refreshing. Our old 21 year old dog, Rusty, decided to follow us on the hike and had to be carried across most of the crossings. The canyon narrowed more and more as we continued down. At one spot we had to climb up the canyon hillside to get across a waterfall section.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
People who know me well may find it hard to believe I could ever be speechless, but it's true, I've had a down month and I tend to shut myself off from the outside world when I'm down. It's been a while since I posted a blog and I figured it was about time.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Bicycle Commuting, Tom Waits and Cloudcroft
Cloudcroft was a nice break from the heat. The second day we woke up to cloud cover and 50 degree F. temps! The first day we were there we had no water most of the day, it seems the village water people did some work and "forgot" to turn the water back on to the cabin. It took them 5 hours to get up there and turn it back on! Talk about slow moving, in a town the size of Cloudcroft, I doubt they were that busy!
Now, on to the Tom Waits concert! What a blast! It was definitely one of the best concerts of my life. Only second behind the Police last summer and pretty close to tied with the Page/Plant concert we saw in 1995. Waits is quite the entertainer, well worth the $90 ticket price! Plus it made my hubby super happy to see one of his favorite musicians ever.
Saturday we stayed in Las Cruces for my brother's housewarming party. So, needless to say, we are dragging a little this week.
Yesterday we bought bicycles. Today was our first commute to the studio. WOW! I knew it was going to be a rough ride at the end because we live in the valley and the last few blocks to our studio are uphill, but damn! I thought my heart would jump out of my chest! Once again, needless to say, it's going to take a little while to get back in hill riding shape. It's been a few years since we've owned bikes, but it's been even longer since I've used a bike for commuting. We decided that it was time to stop spending $80 a week on gas, and riding the bus isn't really a big cut in money, but riding bikes is not only free(other than the price of the bikes), but it's great exercise AND good for the environment. Time to put our money where our mouth is!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Proud of Pride
This weekend is the Albuquerque Pride Festival and I will be there with my art at booth # 27. For those who don't know, Pride is a festival that celebrates the gay, lesbian and transgender community.
My first and only time(so far) at a Pride Fest was a couple of years ago when Aaron and I went with my dad. My dad was a gay man and I have to say I was very proud of him. It can't be easy to come out of the closet in a country full of hate crimes and discrimination. I am dedicating this show to the memory of my dad. He would have been here cheering me on and we would have had a wonderful time. So, in his memory, I plan to have a blast this weekend.
The Pride Fest runs thru Saturday at 8pm. Saturday morning there will be a parade down Central Ave. into the state fairgrounds. There will also be concerts and a pet parade.
I had planned to do a whole series of paintings for the show, but only ended up with time enough to finish one. "Peace Pride" is available for $300, plus I will have prints available for $20(13x13" matted) and $8(6x6" matted).
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Grand Opening a Hit!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
You're Invited!
Chroma Studios is Albuquerque’s newest professional artist’s studio space. Located on Central just West of University, Chroma is home to 10 professional artists and a growing community of visiting artists and students. We are dedicated to promoting the work of established and emerging artists through studio spaces, exhibitions, and class offerings.

Josephine Brionez de Flores is another founding member, born and raised in Barelas. Brionez de Flores is a prolific artist who shows her work throughout New Mexico and internationally. Her feather masks are held in private collections throughout the world.

See you there!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Mi Vida Loca
Hectic, crazy, overwhelmed, emotional.......this is my life currently! We are in the crunch time for preparing for the grand opening of Chroma Studios. Picked up our postcard announcements this morning. I have to get busy writing blog posts for my other blog(Chroma Studios) to introduce all our studio artists. Because I've been so busy and haven't started yet, I'm going to have to group artists together instead of everyone getting their own daily post. We've hired my youngest son to help with getting all the trim painted at the studios. Thank God for summer break and bored teenagers!
This weekend, same as last, we have to travel down south to Las Cruces/El Paso. Aaron has a gig on Saturday in Las Cruces and we have one more load of stuff to clear out my dad's house. Gas prices are skyrocketing so basically the money Aaron is making on the gig will all go towards gas! Oh well, it's all about the exposure, right?
I'm working on a new series of Peace paintings, incorporating rainbows, for an upcoming show. I have a booth at the Albuquerque Pride Festival this year and wanted to do some special pieces for that in memory of my dad. The painting above is the first one, in progress. It's a 12" square oil on canvas. I plan to make prints and notecards of these images.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Surprise of the Week!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
New Grief painting.....Life Goes On......
I think I may be finished with this painting now. This is the last (for now) grief painting. It's time to move on and get back to my regular paintings. I have a large one that I blogged about what seems like long, long ago. I was supposed to finish it the day my dad passed away, but it didn't happen for obvious reasons. My next goal is to finish that painting. Until then, here is a new painting, this one is 20 x 20", watermixable oils on canvas. I could probably do more, but I feel ready to move on!
Life is slowly getting back to normal. Summer is almost here. My youngest son finishes up the spring semester this week. Another trip down to Las Cruces to help my brother and his wife move into their new house! It has been HOT the last couple of days, topping 90 degrees!!! I can only imagine, it will be even hotter down south of here!
Also, coming up soon is the Grand Opening for our new studio spaces! Chroma Studios! I've started another blog just for Chroma news. I plan to interview our studio artists there as well as writing other interesting art related stories. We are having a grand opening reception/art show on the first Friday of June, June 6th 5:30-8:30 pm. If you are in the area, come down and see our great new space! We plan to have some fun summer art and music classes coming up soon as well. We will have more information about classes and upcoming shows at the opening.
Another planned event I'm excited about is our monthly Salon group. Our first topic of discussion will be "Censorship vs. Artist Responsibility". For anyone that doesn't know, a salon is a group of creative people getting together to discuss certain predetermined topics in a safe, friendly environment. We have had salons in the past, but it has been years!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Life really does go on
Yesterday, I went to the dedication of a public art project that my artist friend, Vashti, worked on. The project was three worm composting benches that were painted for a comminity garden. She worked with kids from a local community center and also had some high school students helping out. It was so refreshing to see the kids all happy and excited about going to see their work in the garden.
Another event that has me excited is a group art show, Porque Burque, over at VERB Collective here in Albuquerque. The opening is Friday night from 5-8:30pm. Check out the link for more info. It is a show of members of the Duke City Fix website. I have two pieces in the show and my hubby Aaron will be opening up the night with a set of his guitar music. There are also four other Chroma Studio artists participating.(Vashti Gamble, Josephine Brionez de Flores, Barak Naggan, and Terri Hansen)
Monday, May 12, 2008
I grieve
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Grief Paintings

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Contact your Congressperson!
This is serious stuff. Congress is getting pushed by big companies to change the way the copyright laws currently work. If you have deep pockets, you'll weather the change...But if this law is passed, you will be forced to register (for a fee!) every single painting, photography, lithograph, sculpture, or pot that you make. The current copyright – you create it; therefore it's copyrighted – will no longer exist. The only way to stop this is to stand up and be counted.
Today at 6 pm Eastern Time (New York time)
The Society of Illustrators
128 East 63rd StreetNew York, NY 10065
Will hold a live meeting and a WEBCAST.You don't have to leave home!
Just log on to: send this out to every artist you know!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Oh well.....Life goes on
Not sure if I've written about my dad's record collection before. My dad was nuts about music. When I say nuts, I mean he had OCD. He collected records, I'm talking vinyl here, albums and 45s, starting when he was around 16. He ended up with a collection of around 40,000 records! It's difficult to picture that many records, so let me help with the visualization. His record collection takes up one FULL bedroom! That is records all around the room floor to ceiling! Now, many people have record collections, but not only did he collect them, he organized them! They are all cataloged extensively. The 45s are cataloged chronologically by the week they hit the Billboard top 100 and also by artist alphabetically. The albums are cataloged in alphabetical order by artist. He had the top 100 singles from 1943 thru the early 1990s!
Some of my best memories as a kid were the times I spent with my dad listening to music. It's no wonder I married a musician! Dad always had a record room. When I was younger it was just a closet or half a room, but as I got older, they took up more and more space. I remember weekends spent combing yard sales, Goodwill and anywhere else he could find records for a quarter or less. My brother and I would always whine because it was so boring! He always had a list in his wallet of the records he was looking for to fill out the collection. Every week when he received his newest Billboard magazine he would show me which songs had gone up the charts, which had fallen, and which were new to the charts. That was always my favorite part because he would then play any new records for me and we would talk about what we liked or didn't like. He loved to make me mix tapes of my favorites and I would play them on my cassette player over and over. If there was a record I liked, he would buy it for me and make a tape. I rarely got to keep the record myself, unless he had a double of it!
Now, all those records are in my house and I look forward to playing them soon. We still need to put up shelves so they can be accessed and set up our record player so they can be played. I know he will be there beside me, listening to music, just like the old days.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Home again
We are back home again and trying to get back to some semblance of a normal life. Time to get back to work and go on living. I keep hearing my dad saying "it's time to move on". I know he wouldn't want me to sit around missing him and crying over him, but somehow that doesn't help much. However, I know that moving on is what I have to do in order to get past my grief. Life does go on and I'm ready to get back to my life now. Sometimes I wish I could just forget that my dad is gone. I know that will never happen.
I'm sure everyone is getting sick of hearing me talk about it. Thank you to everyone who has left me a comment or emailed me with condolences. It really means a lot to know people are thinking about me. I will eventually post more about it but for now it's time to move on.....I know, dad, I know, I should have moved on already!
So much of my work has backed up on me while I've been floating around the past 3 weeks. I am very ready to get back to painting everyday! Plus there is a grand opening of Chroma Studios to get busy planning.
Thanks again to everyone for all their love, support and good wishes the past few weeks. I love you all!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Never the same again
I always wondered how I would handle the death of one of my parents. I thought it would be unbearable, and while it has been very difficult, somehow I keep on living, breathing, laughing and loving. My dad was right, life goes on. The problem is it will never be the same. I don't know how it could ever be the same. I used to talk to my dad on the phone almost everyday. We never talked long but we always ended with "I love you". I am so thankful that nothing was ever left unsaid.
My brother is a much better writer than I am, I am much better at expressing myself visually, so I will share what he wrote for the Memorial services because he said it all so well. I will eventually paint my emotions to exorcise them, until then..........
I cannot even explain the hole in my soul created by my dad's passing, But I know that anyone who has lost someone close to them, someone that was so instrumental in their development as a person, and a role-model for their existence, knows exactly how I feel. He was so important in my life, and I don't know how I will ever live without him. The emptiness is so painful and I know that it will never go away, but I keep trying to believe that everything happens for a reason, and that he left our world exactly how he wanted to. I feel so lucky because I was so very close with my dad and never left a thing unsaid. I ended every conversation with "I love you," and always knew the extent of his love for me…no question! It is still so unthinkable that he is gone and I will never have another chance to talk to him, or laugh with him, or even cry with him. But I know he is with me and I hold on tight to that thought. Dan "The Man" Manning, my father, lived for every minute, loved everyone he knew with no discrimination, and embraced life like no one I have ever known. And I promise you what he would say right now is… goes on…enjoy it!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
RIP Dad, I love you
In case anyone who knew him sees this, we will have Memorial services for him on Friday the 18th at noon at Chapin HS in El Paso, Tx. and on Saturday the 19th at 5pm at the Mission Inn Best Western in Las Cruces, NM.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Where does all the time go?
Settling in to the new studio space. All the studios are rented now, for sure. We are having our first artist's meeting this Friday. One of the things I've been trying to decide lately is whether I should start yet another blog to keep the Chroma Studios news separate from my art news. Problem is that I hardly have enough time to keep up with the blogs and websites I have now, do I really need to add another one to keep track of? One of the features I am planning for the studios blog is individual interviews with each artist in the space. I'm thinking weekly, but maybe I'll do them all in 10 days. There are 10 studios here, but a couple of them have more than one person. We actually have 12 people total. Of course I don't need to interview myself.
Spring is finally here in northern NM! It has been so nice going on our daily walks to the river again. We always say we're going to walk thru the winter, but it never happens that way! I am a wimp when it comes to the cold. You would think that 4 years in Northern Colorado would have fixed that, but it actually made me worse!
I can tell it's been awhile since I've blogged because I'm all over the place and don't know what to write next! Oh well. I guess that's all for now, just wanted to put up a new blog so you wouldn't think I'd dropped off the earth! :)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Introducing......Chroma Studios!

Reception area

My studio, looking into the reception area
Aaron's Studio
My husband and I both have our studios here, plus there are 7 other studios.
One space left!
Currently there are 6 other artists with one empty studio. 1 mixed media artist, 2 photographers, 4 painters and 1 musician. I have someone coming to see the last space tomorrow. I will get links up to all the other artist websites soon.

Multipurpose room
We are planning our grand opening show for the first week in May. Not sure about the exact date yet. I will keep you updated on that. We also have a conference room/classroom/gallery space. Let's just call it our multipurpose room.