Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Feeling Great!

What a wonderful, beautiful day! This is the first week I've been back in full swing since April. I may have thought I was back before now, but I was kidding myself. Or just trying to psych myself out. Finally, it's true. I've spent more time painting this week (and it's only Tuesday) than I have in months. I'm close to finishing my first large canvas since my life changed forever. I'm still thinking about what to title it. 

My dad was right, life does go on, and it does get easier. 

I don't have much to write about today, just trying to get back into the habit of blogging more often. Time keeps getting away from me. One of the promises I made myself back in April was that I would no longer be a time waster. No more procrastination. No more excuses. Life is too short and I have way too many goals to reach. So, it's time to switch back into high gear and get busy!

I just recently received my second check for royalties on my needlepoint designs. One of my goals in the near future is to get a link up to the company selling my designs and the retail locations where they are available for purchase. I have about 6 weeks to get 4 more designs painted and shipped off in time for the January trade show.

I guess I had better get back to work!

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