Friday, June 30, 2006


Just realized it has been over a week since I posted here. We spent the first half of the week at my brother's house in Las Cruces. Aaron and Travis spent time in the recording studio playing around and writing a song. They have been talking about doing that for years. So, while they did that, I took a drive around town, drove out to the mountains and took some photos. I will post some here once I get them downloaded. Update: See below Other than that, I sat around the house and watched tv.

While we were gone, we finally had some much needed rain. Actually, it was more like hail mixed with rain. All the plants have been beaten up pretty bad. Our shed, which is under ground, was flooded with around 8 inches of water. It took Aaron all day yesterday to shop vac it out! The good news is, we really needed the rain! Maybe now they will open up the hiking trails again!

Yesterday was my great aunt's 90th birthday! Day before was my mom's birthday. So, we had the family over for dinner last night. Aaron made peach cobbler for dessert. It was very yummy, too bad there is none left!

So, today, I have to get back to work. I have some orders to get out and I should clean the studio so I can get back to painting. I have been having a very hard time getting motivated.

Oh, and thanks to everyone that has been commenting on my blog, it's nice to know people are reading it!


jafabrit said...

Oh I like to pop in now and again. I enjoy seeing your work.

Unknown said...

Paula, these photos are stunning! The mountains look like watercolors off in the distance, and the whole area seems really wild and isolated.


Peach cobbler -- yum! Maybe I'll make some for the 4th of July!

AS Novus said...

nice photos, how did the garden fair after the flood?

Alex Calles said...

I also have problems with motivation and discipline balance; It took me years before I finally found something I like to do and mix it up with something I know how to do. Now, the ultimate questions is; does it worth the effort? Is my project taking me somewhere? Only time would tell...

Good luck paula, c'ya around