Thursday, November 02, 2006

Free Hugs Campaign. Inspiring Story! (music by sick puppies)

Peace on Earth!

I saw this video on Michelle Caplan's blog this morning and just had to add it here as well! What a wonderful idea! I may just have to make a sign and head downtown! Spread the hugs people!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT VIDEO!!!! That was so fun and it made me smile the whole time I was watching it. I'm going to put a link to your blog right now on today's post! Thanks for sharing.

Paula Manning-Lewis said...

Isn't is just awesome?! It makes me want to spread it around to everyone I know!

Paula Manning-Lewis said...

it not is!

jafabrit said...

I love that video, I just smile and smile and it makes me want to do it too.

Mary said...

This really made my day today! Thank you!

Paula Manning-Lewis said...

Jafabrit and Mary, I totally know what you mean. I showed it to my teenage sons and they want to go do this downtown with me! I'll keep you posted if we actually go thru with it!